Has Life Dealt You Some Tough Cards Lately?
Your 6 Steps To Get Back To Normal
This free downloadable guide will help you handle the big emotions and changes you’re experiencing so you know what needs to happen to heal.
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Life Just Hit you Hard and Now Here You Are... And You're Thinking...
It sure would be easy if life was… well, easy.

If nothing ever threw you for a loop, or came screaming out of left field.

If we never had to feel blindsided, overwhelmed, or completely unable to handle what’s happening.

But you wouldn’t be here if life didn’t come with curveballs. And since you ARE here, it’s likely that you’re going through something that you’re not really sure how to handle.

The bad news is that whatever you’re going through - whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a painful split with your partner, or any other of a million life-changing situations…

You’ve got to go THROUGH it. There’s no going around it, and it’s not going away.

But the good news is that you CAN handle it. You CAN cope. You CAN deal.

And this guide will help you settle the intense emotions you’re feeling right now so you can get back on the road to feeling like yourself again.

And the great news? You’ll come out stronger on the other side.

I can’t wait to help you heal.

This guide is what I take my patients through in my private therapy practice… and while I’m not YOUR therapist, I’ve distilled my process into lessons that you can use now until (or alongside) your own personal sessions with your therapist.
In this FREE download, I’ll give you:
  • The first thing you should - and shouldn’t - do when something major happens… and if you’re still reeling from an unexpected life change, this will apply to you right now!
  • My 6 steps toward healing that will help you start to feel like yourself again… even as you heal from your trauma and build stronger coping skills…
  • Journal exercises that you can use to work through your emotions, discover how to manage your responses, and move forward happier and healthier. 
When you’re hurting, it can feel like you’re alone.
You’re not. I’m here with you.
Hi, I’m Naomi.

And I don’t only know what you’re going through because of my therapy practice…

I’ve lived it.

My life threw me my own curveballs. A week after my daughter died, my husband left me to be with his affair partner.

I know what it’s like to wish you could wake up from your nightmare. To pray that things will change and go back to the way they used to be.

And I know how badly it hurts to realize that life just doesn’t work that way. I know how hard it is to pick yourself up and move forward, dragging the pieces behind you.

But I also know how healing feels. How becoming stronger each day empowers you to take the next step forward. How proud you’ll be when you’ve overcome what you thought was un-overcomeable.

That’s why I wrote this guide. To help you with the first steps. 

To let you know that you’re not in this alone. To give you the guidance and the support you need right now to move forward. 

Whether your life changed an hour ago, a couple days ago, or a few years ago…

Healing is possible.

This guide is the first step.

Discover The Steps You Need To Start Overcoming
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